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Indulge in Something Different: Check Out This Live Theatrical Performance

Image for Indulge in Something Different: Check Out This Live Theatrical Performance
If you need a little bit of inspiration as we drudge through this dreadful political zeitgeist, Cara Mía Theatre Co. offers up a paean to the possibilities of democracy with Crystal City 1969. The play, penned by Dallasites David Lozano and Raul Treviño, explores the inspiring true story of a group of Mexican-American students who walked out of their high school in protest of their treatment.

In 1969, Mexican-Americans were prohibited from speaking Spanish in school and their culture went virtually unrecognized in the classrooms, cafeterias and extra-curricular events. But when the school refused to allow Mexican-American students — who were a majority of the school — to fill vacant spots on the cheerleading team, the students walked out. Their activism gained national attention, overturning not just the cheerleading rule, but paving the way for the school board, the school leadership and the teaching staff to reflect the community they served. 

Remind yourself that change is possible, even in the face of adversity, when the play premieres onstage in the Latino Cultural Center.

Oxford at The Boulevard Apartments, providing the perfect balance of comfortable and convenient apartment living in Corinth, Texas, is helping spread the word about this special event happening in our community!

Event Time/Date:
Thursday, October 6, 2016—8:00 PM

Event Venue Location:
Latino Cultural Center 
2600 Live Oak Street
Dallas, Texas 75204

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